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The $22,000 wheel change
In a dramatic day of racing where Boris Shpilevsky (Russia) was assured victory in this years Tour of Hainan, a monumental blunder occurred when Shpilevsky made a wheel change with the Nutrixxion Sparkasse team, causing him to receive a two minute...
Boris Shpilevsky secures his win
Boris Shpilevsky (Russia) won stage 8 into Sanya giving himself a 14 second buffer going into tomorrow뭩 circuit race. Racing from Dongfang to the starting town of Sanya, the 178.1Km stage included three category climbs and three sprints. Heading...
Shpilevsky looks set to hold onto yellow jersey
After a testing day for the leader of the race, Grega Bole (Slovenia) took the win, but the leader Boris Shpilevsky (Russia) stayed with the front group and looks set to hold onto the yellow jersey all the way to Sanya with only tomorrow뭩 stage in...
Shpilevsky breaks through the mist and mayhem to conquer once again
After a crash in the final sprint took down several riders Boris Shpilevsky (Russia) came through for another win, and strengthened his hold on the leaders jersey with three stages to go. Starting in Chengmai the 181.4Km stage seven to Danzhou...
Boris takes it back
Last years winner of the Tour of Hainan Boris Shpilevsky (Russia) now has a nine second lead in this years event after being runner up to Korean Park Seon Ho (Seoul) after stage 5. 158Km of motorway. Straight and flat.  That was the story of...
Seoul Hosts the 1st Cycling Event Despite Rains
Seoul City hosted its first international cycling event despite heavy rains on 8th Nov, with a city cyclist winning the inaugural title. Cho, Ho-Seong( 35) prevailed in the Tour de Seoul , one of the Asia Tours in Korea, jointly hosted by Seoul...
10 Road Bikes & 5 BMX Bikes Await New Owners
As one of the 2009 ACC solidarity programs, 10 road bikes and 5 BMX bikes will be supported to ACC뭩 needy member national federations within this year. The road bicycles were supported through the UCI solidarity program, whilst the 5 BMX bikes...
Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) BMX Park Opened
Cycling Association of Hong Kong China (CAHK) celebrated its opening of the HKJC International BMX Park on 31stOct, 2009 during the 2009 Asian BMX Championships and the HSBC Hong Kong BMX Open 2009 in Hong Kong China. Financed with a total of...
Mr. Cho, Hee Wook Elected as the UCI Vice President
During the 178 Congress and the new Management Committee of the International Cycling Union (UCI), Mr. Cho, Hee Wook, ACC President was elected for the post of the UCI Vice President for the first time ever in the 50 years� history of the Asian...
Mr. Al-Qassimi (UAE) Elected as UCI Management Board Member from Asia at the 2009 UCI Congress, Lugano
The ACC has at long last succeeded in adding one (1) more UCI Board Member, Mr. Sheikh Faisal Humaid Al-Qassimi, President of UAE Cycling Federation and ACC Vice President to the UCI Management Committee at the 2009 UCI Congress election held in...